Yahoo! chief Marissa Mayer may think working from home hampers productivity, but those lucky enough to be able to do it in India say they have the best of two worlds, says Varuna Verma. Priya Rao took a six-month break...
Soon after internet giant Yahoo took away employee freedom to work from home, Indian companies are slowly voicing hitherto unexpressed concerns about productivity losses such flexibility may cause. “Flexitime is a utopian concept that is not going to help anyone,”...
Tips for managing a career transition (especially for IT professionals, but also relevant to others): Assess your strengths. While this is easier said than done, working on this objectively may pave the way for a long term roadmap for you....
Work from home options or flexible working hours – working women in India are benefiting from the career possibilities offered by companies Pallavi Mathur Lal, mother of two and Associate Director, Qualitative at Synovate India Pvt. Ltd returned to work...